Why Clarity Enhanced Diamonds Are a Guy's Best Friend

Why Clarity Enhanced Diamonds Are a Guy's Best Friend

When you are looking for the perfect diamond engagement ring for your special someone, you may be faced with a plethora of choices – and this range of choices can make anyone quite confused! But if you are determined to make a great choice, you may want to seriously consider clarity enhanced diamonds. So what are they, and how can they be a brilliant choice for your lady?

What they are

Clarity enhanced diamonds are simply stones which have visible or obvious imperfections. This means that their clarity level is at only I1 to I3. And since nobody really wants to buy a stone which has visible or easily seen imperfections, a laboratory will ‘treat’ these inclusions so they will become invisible. Think of it simply as ‘cosmetic surgery’ for diamonds where each stones imperfections are permanently removed to maximise each stone’s individual radiance and sparkle.

Clarity Enhanced Diamonds


 Why a clarity enhanced diamond is a brilliant choice

Some people have the assumption that a clarity enhanced diamond is lower in value compared to a diamond which hasn’t been enhanced, but this is not true at all. You are still getting the same carat – just with no imperfections any longer. Here are other reasons why clarity enhanced diamonds are a great choice:


The cost

Keep in mind that a clarity enhanced diamond is just the same as an untreated diamond – they are still both precious stones. And, with a clarity enhanced diamond, you can be paying as much as 70% less. The only difference is that the untreated stone began with no inclusions, whilst your clarity enhanced, treated stone began with inclusions or imperfections – but no longer has them.

Better value for your money

If you opt for clarity enhanced diamonds, you can purchase a bigger and better stone for the same amount of money as you would pay for an untreated, smaller stone. This gives you better value for your money overall. And, as a matter of fact, for a lesser price, you can get a stone which is often clearer and whiter in colour and has a better cut than an untreated diamond.


They are all-natural

Don’t think for a second that clarity enhanced diamonds are not natural – they are, just like their untreated counterparts, 100% natural as well. They are simply enhanced and their imperfections are treated or filled. The material that makes up the clarity enhanced diamond is still the same as an untreated diamond.


Virtually undetectable

Another fact about clarity enhanced diamonds is this: their imperfections are often only detected by a professional. The physical changes to the stone are so minute, even the weight of the stone stays the same. The treatment given to the clarity enhanced diamond is virtually undetectable, and it will only take a professional jeweller to see the difference.